Harold Camping, the infamous evangelical minister and doomsayer who used millions of his followers' dollars to promote a doomsday vision that failed to come to pass, has finally met his maker at the age of 92.

Camping first rose to national prominence back in 2010, when thousands of billboards began popping up proclaiming May 21, 2011, as Judgment Day.

The long-time California preacher, who had served as president of the influential Family Radio Network since 1958, encouraged his followers to empty their savings accounts in order to help spread the word of his prophecy.

After May 21st passed without incident, Camping told the press he was "not in the business of financial advice."

He also continued to insist that Rapture was still coming, and rescheduled it for October 21.

Obviously, we're all still here, and Camping did kinda-sorta apologize for getting the world's expiration date wrong yet again.

"If people want me to apologize, I can apologize," he said.

Camping suffered a stroke shortly thereafter, and never made another doomsday prediction.

According to a Family Radio statement, Camping suffered a fall at his home late last month, and subsequently passed away.

He leaves behind his wife of 71 years.

[photo via AP]