For the first time in years, Dave Chappelle gave a sit-down interview. The veteran comedian spoke to GQ's Mark Anthony Green about leaving the limelight, fame, and happiness. "I have all these weird fantasies," he says. "Going coast-to-coast on my motorcycle and having random barbecues all over America. No show, no nothing...I just like meeting people."

Early on, Green mentions how Idris Elba—you know, this guy—used to sell weed at Caroline's, the legendary New York City comedy club, to which Chappelle responds:

Oh, okay. So he used to work at Carolines. During that era of my life, there's a high possibility that I bought reefer from Idris.

So, yeah: 1990s Dave bought weed from 1990s Idris and now both men are rich celebrities who are cooler than we will ever be. There is a lesson in here somewhere.

Dave, who now considers himself a great selfie taker, also shared stories about D'Angelo, Rob Ford, Kanye West, and Donald Sterling.

On trying to contact reclusive soul-singer D'Angelo:

I haven't talked to him personally in a while, but the last time I called him, he had a long outgoing message on his machine. It was like a Malcolm X speech. And the last part was so intense. He was like, "The price of freedom is death!" Beeeep! I didn't even leave that dude a message. I just hung up the phone. Like, just listening to D'Angelo's answering machine puts you on the no-fly list, it's so militant.

On the essence of Kanye West:

And no one was more surprised than me when he did the surprise performance during my Radio City show. It was weird. You know what he said after the fact, which I thought was funny? He said, "Why wasn't I on the show in the first place? Like, why wasn't I booked?" So I don't know what happened via the machinery. It also could be that Kanye's like a girl that's so pretty, nobody asks her to the dance. You know what I mean?

On meeting pre-scandal, crack-loving Rob Ford:

I had never seen him before, but he looked like Chris Farley in the pictures. He walked in and was like, "What can I do for you?" And I told him, "These ordinances exist in the United States, but they're often waived in contexts of performance, because it's an integral part of what I do." He replied, "That's it?" "That's it," I said. Then he told me, "I'm sorry, I can't help you. The laws of Toronto are the same for everybody. We appreciate you coming, we're glad you're here, but we can't change the law because it disagrees with you." He really gave me this whole speech. I should have said, "You didn't let me finish: 'smoke crack rocks onstage!'" Maybe a year after that was his first scandal.

On Donald Sterling losing the Clippers:

Ultimately, I don't think he should have lost his team. I don't like the idea that someone could record a secret conversation and that a person could lose their assets from that, even though I think what he said was awful. When you think about the intimacy of a situation, like, can a man just chill with his mistress in peace?* I just don't like when things like that happen, because if they take shit away for things that people say that are objectionable, I may not have anything in a few years. Granted, I don't think I say shit like "Stop bringing white people to my game."

Previously: Dave Chappelle Is Back. Well, Maybe.

[Image via AP]