In 2013's beloved animated feature, Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale, Barbie (and her sisters) find themselves going up against malicious riding master Philippe Cheynet in an effort to win the Big Horse Tournament. Philippe, of course, ultimately loses, but even more devastating for the villain: He looks uncannily like presidential candidate and noted lizard person Ted Cruz.

The striking similarity was first noticed by comedian Brian Gaar back in September and started making the rounds again this weekend.. As you can see in the image above, the likeness is remarkable.

To really put Ted’s twin to the test, Deadspin’s Video Director, Tim Burke, synced up some classic Cruz lines with Philippe Cheynet’s machinations, and well—see for yourself:

[There was a video here]

Of course, it certainly helps that Philippe embarks on all sorts of schemes and “dirty tricks” to try to win his big competition, just like our pal Ted. But perhaps the candidate can learn from his cartoon brother’s mistake. Or, you know, not.

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