This Is How You Write a Fucking Love Letter

A Thanksgiving spent away from the internet is NOT an excuse to miss out on Thought Catalog's holiday bounty—of love.
This Is Maddison Jensen's Love Letter, Okay?
"In your most beautiful moments, in between the minutes of dawn, when the sun rises over you and illuminates the curves of your skin in soft gold hues and glimmers. As I role out of my bed, you're there to support me to make sure that I don't fall, but if I did, you would be there."
"You are beautiful; you are alive. I sometimes feel as though I am above you, because you're living at such a consistent rate."
Mmm hmm.
"Every electron that pushes another electron away from it reminds me of you. You make me laugh when you allow happy coincidences to cross my path, because you find the most interesting things to be humorous."
Who or what is the subject of Maddison Jensen's love letter? Well you'll just have to read it all the way to the end to find out. (The answer is "Earth.")