[There was a video here]

A few weeks ago we brought you the story of Million Dollar Mano, Kanye West's one-time tour DJ who was supposedly fired by the rapper for being egregiously inept at his job of queueing up songs. Well, yesterday a new video of Kanye cursing out at another DJ was discovered, and it might be the funniest one yet.

This video was taken a few months ago by someone who was at the show in which Dave Chappelle brought West out at Radio City to perform a short set. That set included a rendition of "Gold Digger," which, let's say, didn't go smoothly. In the clip we see West rapping when the backing track starts to stutter and burble out of nowhere, at which point West points at the DJ and says "what the fuck?" in a perfectly incredulous voice.

What's best about this one, I think, is that his exclamation comes right on beat, just before he is supposed to start his next verse. It's so well-timed that it actually feels like a comedy sketch.

Let's all wish Kanye better DJ luck before we go to bed tonight. He shouldn't have to endure this.