This Is the Most Wrong-Ass Shit Bernie Sanders Has Ever Said

Last night in Arizona, Bernie Sanders held a rally in a Navajo casino. As you might expect from the venue, his speech was heavy on issues that directly affect American Indians. One controversy Sanders briefly touched on was the Washington Redskins, the National Football League team with a slur right there in their name. Perhaps because he was wading into an issue on which he has little experience, Sanders inadvertently made a deeply offensive remark. Via the Washington Post:
“Washington has a very good football team but it doesn’t have to be called the Redskins,” Sanders said.
What the fuck? The Washington football team is terrible. They are a laughingstock among the football-minded and have been for many years. A young voter, such as myself, knows only a world in which the Washington football team is a horrible joke, slip-sliding across a ragged swamp field as its ashen fans look on in disgust and horror, mostly at themselves for even showing up in the first place, and as the team’s moron owner plots, from his skybox, more schemes to wring cash out of the hopeless dupes below. The Washington football team had one good player—Robert Griffin III—and in his rookie season the coach played him on a torn-up knee, probably because the coach hated him, and now his career is over. And again, their owner is perhaps one of the most vile people on Earth.
Stop pandering to the D.C. elite, Bernie.