[There was a video here]

Donald Trump: why do people want him to be president? This is a question the media is still trying to figure out, and to that end CNN convened a focus group in Connecticut to hear directly from die hard Trump supporters themselves, and damn did one lady really deliver.

This is basically the tone and demeanor of someone in a cult right before they drink the cyanide fruit punch. What makes it even weirder is that the Susan DeLemus onscreen there appears to be the same Susan DeLemus who is a two-term member of the New Hampshire House of Representatives, though her maniacal devotion to Trump isn’t exactly a surprise once you learn that she fought to keep Barack Obama’s name off state presidential ballots: Via the Daily Caller:

“It just makes me want to throw up,” exclaimed Republican state Rep. Susan DeLemus. “Let’s just bury the Constitution now and have a funeral.”

CNN has interviewed DeLemus, as well as her husband, about Trump before. Back in July, the network commissioned a focus group of Trump supporters in the same theatre in Connecticut, and DeLemus delivered the same message but perhaps with less... verve:

“He says what he means. I honestly believe he’s telling the truth,” Susan DeLemus said

Susan DeLemus is a fool for Donald Trump and CNN appears very willing to let her prove it to America.

[via DeRay McKesson]

Contact the author at jordan@gawker.com.