This South Carolina Man's Mug Shot Will Give You Nightmares

You should never judge a book by its cover, unless its cover looks like David Adam Pate, 24, of Lancaster, S.C. Pate was charged with the murder of Ricky James, 33, on Friday after police determined he led James into the woods in mid-October, murdered him, and then covered his body with brush. Children playing in the area found James' body last weekend.
It was easy for authorities to arrest Pate because he was already in jail; he was arrested two weeks ago on a disorderly conduct charge.
According to Lancaster County Sheriff Barry Faile, "We suspected Pate almost immediately but had to wait on lab results to prove it." Hard to believe that the kind of guy who shows off his allegiance to Satan and his surgically split forked tongue in a mug shot would be automatically suspected of murder in a small South Carolina city.