Three men have been hospitalized after being stabbed at Grand Central Terminal just after midnight Saturday morning.

According to authorities, an intoxicated man pulled a knife on the three men following a fight on the uptown No. 6 train, stabbing one in the arm, another in the chest, and the third in the stomach.

When 1010 WINS' Roger Stern asked fellow commuters their thoughts on the incident, some expressed fear, while others upheld New Yorkers' tradition of not being fazed by anything, even a man pulling a knife on a crowded subway platform.

"It's a city of 8 million people, you're always gonna have events like that," said Greg. "It just can't be avoided with that many people. I think the subways are safe and I think they run well."

The alleged perpetrator was taken to Bellevue for intoxication, and the victims were treated for their injuries. The man stabbed in the chest remains in critical condition.

[Image via Shutterstock]