Three women filed a civil lawsuit Friday in L.A. County Superior Court claiming that the Saudi prince accused this week of forcing a female employee to perform oral sex on him assaulted them as well, the Los Angeles Times reports.

The suit, seeking unspecified damages, accuses Majed Abdulaziz Al-Saud, 29, of “extreme,” “outrageous,” and “despicable” behavior beginning Monday and ending in his arrest on Wednesday. According to the Times, the lawsuit claims Al-Saud inflicted emotional distress, assault and battery, sexual discrimination and retaliation against the three female workers, reportedly identified in court documents only as Jane Does.

Neighbors at a gated community near Beverly Hills called police on Wednesday after a bleeding woman, screaming for help, tried to climb an 8-foot-high wall surrounding a compound Al-Saud was renting.

When officers arrived, they found a “party atmosphere,” Lt. John Jenal told the Times. About 20 people were escorted from the house, neighbor Tennyson Collins said—many of them staff.

Al-Saud was held on suspicion of false imprisonment, sexual assault and battery and booked on suspicion of forcing the oral copulation of a worker, Officer Drake Williams said. The Saudi prince, who does not have diplomatic immunity, was released on $300,000 bail Thursday.

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