Tina Brown’s Charity Mostly Threw Parties for Tina Brown

The Women in the World Foundation, former Daily Beast editor Tina Brown’s very own charity, is nominally devoted to “driving solutions that advance women and girls.” According to its sole IRS filing, the New York Post points out, Women in the World spent the plurality of funds raised in 2011, totaling more than a million dollars, on throwing lavish gatherings for its director and her connected friends. That’s one kind of solution!
The charity’s Form 990 indicates Brown raised $1.17 million, and claimed approximately $536,000 in expenses:

The biggest single expense? A September 2011 “launch event” for the charity, costing $168,000:

One of the much smaller expenses? A single $10,000 grant toward Africa’s Women Peace and Security Network:

A charity spokeswoman told the Post that Women in the World distributed grants totaling $1.1 million in 2012, for which the organization has not yet filed IRS documents. According to the same spokeswoman, the charity raised $2.6 million during the same year — but it’s unclear what happened to the remaining $1.5 million. The charity did not respond to Gawker’s request for its prepared IRS filings for 2012, which are due (at the very latest) by November 15.