Track Palin Was Arrested Last Night for Domestic Violence

Today is a big day for Sarah Palin. She is in Iowa to endorse Donald Trump, which will shore up Trump’s standing with Real Americans and once again give the Palin family a moment in the national spotlight. But things back home aren’t as rosy: Last night, Palin’s son, Track, was charged in Wasilla on domestic violence and weapons charges.
UPDATE (9 p.m.) Read full details of the police report here:
As first reported by Gawker, online court records show that Track Palin, 26, was charged yesterday with assault in the fourth degree (domestic violence), interfering with a report of domestic violence, and possession of a weapon while intoxicated. In a press release, Wasilla Police say they responded to a disturbance at around 10 p.m. last night, and that “an investigation revealed Track Palin had committed a domestic violence assault on a female, interfered with her ability to report a crime of domestic violence, and possessed a firearm while intoxicated.” All three charges are misdemeanors.
Here’s a screenshot of the charges as they appear online. Spokespersons with both the Wasilla Police Department and the district attorney’s office confirmed their existence:

Palin was scheduled to be arraigned at 1 p.m. locally (5 p.m. Eastern). Wasilla police declined to release the affidavit regarding the incident, citing an open investigation, but if we receive that report, we will update this post.
Track Palin was first introduced to the public as the most politically convenient of Sarah Palin’s children. In her famous speech at the 2008 Republican National Convention, Palin noted that Track, then 19, would be shipping out to serve in Iraq later that month—on September 11. Like most of the Palins, the ensuing years have been a bit rocky: Tabloids have alleged that Track Palin abused drugs. He married and divorced in less than two years. And he was involved, along with his father and sister Bristol, in a bizarre brawl that led to an embarrassing drunken police interview full of colorful, homophobic language.
Here is the full press release from the Wasilla Police to Gawker regarding the incident:
On 01/18/2016 at approximately 2204 hours, Wasilla Police responded to a residence for a disturbance. An investigation revealed Track Palin had committed a domestic violence assault on a female, interfered with her ability to report a crime of domestic violence, and possessed a firearm while intoxicated. Palin was arrested and charges of assault in the fourth degree (domestic violence), interfering with a domestic violence report, and misconduct involving weapons in the fourth degree were forwarded to the District Attorney’s Office. Palin was held without bail until arraignment.
[image of Track Palin in 2008 via AP]
[This post has been updated.]