Trump Aide Wants Secret Service To Investigate Mean Tweets

It’s really not funny to bully someone on Twitter, you guys. And if you’re not careful, it’ll get you investigated by the Secret Service.
Buzzfeed’s Andrew Kaczynski nabbed a screenshot of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s senior advisor, Daniel Scavino, allegedly tagging in the necessary authorities when he saw that Twitter users were cyber-bullying his boss.
trump's aide tweeting tons of tweets from what look like teens at the Secret Service joking about killing Trump.
— Andrew Kaczynski (@BuzzFeedAndrew) October 17, 2015
Those tweets, it seems, were mainly from teens threatening bodily harm to Trump. It’s not clear whether Scavino hopes that the Department of Homeland Security, President Obama and the Secret Service will punish the teens in question, or just give them a stern talking-to.
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