In an email to surrogates this week bearing the subject line “URGENT PIVOT,” the Donald Trump campaign revealed its damage control plan for the Republican candidate’s ongoing spat with Khizr and Ghazala Khan, whose son, a U.S. Army captain, was killed in Iraq. The memo was obtained by The Hill.

“All — As usual, the media is working against our efforts and our messaging specifically as it relates to the tragic death of Capt. Humayun Khan,” Scott Mason, Trump’s director of congressional affairs, wrote in the email.

“We are asking you to review and use the attached talking points in your daily messaging, including a release and/or statements you can put out in your social media immediately to support Mr. Trump and OUR message, that we must end radical Islamic terror so that soldiers like Capt. Khan, and all Americans, will be safe.”

Sure. And how’s that going?