Screencap: CNN

For the second time this month, Donald Trump spokeswoman Katrina Pierson corrected her own historically questionable charges against President Obama, conceding on Monday that the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan was not, as she previously claimed, “Obama’s war.”

“I obviously meant to say Syria and not Afghanistan,” Pierson told the Texas Tribune.

On Saturday, Pierson invited CNN host Victor Blackwell to “remember” that we weren’t in Afghanistan until Obama “went into” the country, “creating another problem.” Asked by (a clearly surprised) Blackwell to clarify her comment, Pierson said, “That was Obama’s war, yes.”

According to the Tribune, Pierson blamed both that gaffe and her suggestion earlier this month that Obama’s policies “probably” killed Army Captain Humayun Khan, who died in 2004, on problems with her earpiece.

“You could take ten years of history and try to make anyone look crazy,” Pierson told the paper, once again demonstrating her somewhat abstract relationship with time itself.

[h/t The Hill]