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It turns out that Corey Lewandowski, the Donald Trump campaign manager whose alleged manhandling of a female Breitbart reporter caused an utter meltdown of that organization, is just a great guy whose temper flared up in an isolated incident. Just kidding—he’s always been a toxic shithead.

Politico has a detailed and gossipy report on Lewandowski’s pre-Trump days, and it turns out that he’s exactly the aggro caricature that the Michelle Fields incident suggested he was. Ex-cop? Check. Chugs Red Bull? You bet he does. Described by his buddies as “kind of a cowboy” with a real “cool factor”? Shit yeah.

The most glaring incident on Lewandowski’s record is the time he loudly called a female coworker “cunt” in front of colleagues during his stint at the Koch Brothers’ Americans For Prosperity group:

But some of his most fiery clashes came with a female official who ran one of the states under Lewandowski’s control. The relationship ― and patience for Lewandowski within AFP ― reached a tipping point in October 2013. On the sidelines of a meeting of the group’s board in Manhattan, Lewandowski loudly berated the employee for challenging his authority, getting in her personal space and calling her a “c—-” in front of a group of AFP employees, including some senior officials, according to three sources who either witnessed the exchange or dealt with its aftermath.

And that’s not the only time he was a dick to women. Politico also describes, in vaguer terms, Lewandowski’s “rough” behavior with reporters other than Fields and sexually suggestive remarks made to female journalists.

Even Trump staffers can’t stand him. Once, they wrote a secret letter to be hand-delivered by the candidate’s security chief—because Trump doesn’t use email and because Lewandowski couldn’t be trusted—outlining their desire for change.

A group of current and former high-ranking members of the campaign last month planned to deliver Trump a letter outlining concerns with Lewandowski’s management, according to multiple sources familiar with the planned mutiny. Complicating matters, the businessman is not directly reachable by email and frequently has Lewandowski at his side. So the plan was to deliver the letter in an envelope to Trump’s head of security, Keith Schiller, in the days between the South Carolina primary and the Nevada caucuses, with instructions to give it to Trump and no one else.

How did such a knob end up getting the job in the first place? According to Politico, he simply told Trump he’d be the best and hardest-working campaign manager around. Heavy on bravado, light on specifics—sounds just like his boss. No wonder they get along so well.