Twitter plans to lay off eight percent of its workforce, the bearded Machiavellian at its helm announced in a memo to the company today. Those 336 workers who will be going home without their jobs can at least take comfort in the fact that when Jack Dorsey cut them loose, Jack didn’t beat around the bush. Jack gave it to them straight, baby.

“We are moving forward with a restructuring of our workforce so we can put our company on a stronger path to grow,” opens Dorsey’s email to the staff, which focuses on cuts to the company’s engineering department. “Emails like this are usually riddled with corporate speak so I’m going to give it to you straight.”

Below, you’ll find a condensed version of the rest of the memo, highlighting all of Jack’s straightest talk.

streamlined roadmap...a bold peek into the future...significant structural changes...nimbler team...streamlined in parallel...extremely tough decision...part ways with...purpose-built team...reinvest in our most impactful priorities...the world needs a strong Twitter.

And the full email, for reference, via Business Insider:

I’m gonna give it to you straight, no bullshit: we find ourselves on different paths. Listen, no beating around the bush here: your roadmap is being streamlined. Make no mistake about what I’m trying to tell you right now: it’s not you, it’s a reinvestment in our most impactful priorities.

Jack’s right. This is an admirable eschewal of the meaningless corporate speak that usually riddles emails like these. When you see bold, impactful language like that, you know it’s coming from a former poet.

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