Although deer have slipped out of the public eye since their peak back in 2013, there are still young bucks out there making big moves. Like moving into a guy’s house for a year, covering it in piss and shit, and then running off into the woods like everything’s cool as soon as the cops show up.

West Virginia Natural Resources Police, tipped off that a Cabell County man was keeping two deer in his home, showed up to check it out and found a six-point buck standing in the living room, according to the Washington Post.

When cops heard a second deer moving in the back of the house, the man tried to cover for him by claiming he was just a dog, but the ruse didn’t work.

“He finally confessed it was a second buck,” Sgt. Gary Amick told the Post.

Police released both deer, who disappeared into the surrounding woods, leaving the homeowner with nothing but a house full of piss-soaked straw and a charge for illegal possession of wildlife. Guess the chill deer party had to end sometime.

[h/t WaPo, Photos: West Virginia Natural Resources Police]