1) Person Under Age 30 Writes About Dating Life or Lack Thereof.

2) Person Not on Their Deathbed Writes About What Love Means to Them

3) Person Who Has Not Had Sexual Experiences Wildly Different Than the Majority of the Population Writes About Sex

4) Cool Parent Writes About Parenting the Cool Way

5) Failed Business Person Writes Business Tips

6) Successful Business Person Writes Business Tips

7) Political Reporter Writes About a Campaign That Is Long Over and We Were Sick of It Even When It Was Happening

8) Person Who Works as a College Professor Writes a Bunch of Books All Set in Academia

9) Recent Graduate of a Highly Regarded Writing Program Writes About the Inner Turmoil of a Person Much Like Himself

10) Television Personality Clearly Does Not Actually Write This Book

11) Historian Writes Another God Damn Book About Abe Lincoln

12) Person Who Has Had Substance Abuse Issues Writes a Book With Stories that Do Not Differ Substantially From Those That Would Be Overheard at a Randomly Selected AA Meeting.

13) Uninteresting Person Writes Memoir

[Photo: Getty]