An Indian woman who says she was raped by her Uber driver is still working to sue the company in American court, but this week some unexpected good news showed up in her inbox: Uber is back in her city!

"We're back, to serve you and get you moving once again," read the enthusiastic mass email sent to the alleged victim and other potential customers in Delhi, which banned Uber after the incident in December.

According to her lawyer, the woman was "surprised" by the message.

"[The victim and her family] are very upset that they were sent an email from Uber," attorney Douglas Wigdor told The Indian Express, "and that Uber has come back to Delhi without a consultation process with them."

Uber's apparent strategy for evading the ban has been to apply for a new license under the name of a subsidiary, "Resource Experts India Private Limited," but a police spokesperson tells the Express that the service continues to be illegal in the city.

To their credit, Uber's email acknowledged that the weeks following the reported rape have been "sobering" for many, including their drivers in Delhi, "many of whom lost their primary source of income."

[Image via Shutterstock//h/t Daily Dot]