At least 356 people have been killed and 200 more have been tortured in the ongoing conflict between Ukraine forces and pro-Russian separatists since early May, according to a report from the UN. The same report notes that the current "climate of insecurity and fear" across the country has displaced more than 34,000 people.

Included in the death toll are 257 civilians and 89 military personnel. Pro-Russian rebels gunned down a military plane this weekend, killing 49. The downed plane led to protests at the Russian embassy in Ukraine this weekend, at which Ukraine's foreign minister reportedly called Russian President Vladmir Putin a "dickhead."

Meanwhile, Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko announced today that he's putting forth a 14-point plan to end separatist fighting in the country. Poroshenko said he's willing to lay down arms, at least temporarily, and he called Putin Tuesday night to discuss the plan.

That may not be enough — Poroshenko will also have to deal with those leading the separatist movement in the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk to make the ceasefire happen. So far, they aren't buying the plan. From The New York Times:

Claudia Kulbatskaya, a spokeswoman for the Donetsk People's Republic, the self-declared separatist government, said the insurgent forces were dismissive of the proposal.

"He talks about a cease-fire every day," Ms. Kulbatskaya said by telephone. "And then the next day they start bombing even more heavily."

Denis Pushilin, one of the leaders of the political wing of the Donetsk People's Republic, told Rain TV in Moscow that he considered Mr. Poroshenko's proposal "meaningless."

"This is what happens: they cease fire, we disarm and they take us unarmed," Mr. Pushilin said.

[Image via AP]