In the wake of a shocking Rolling Stone story documenting the University of Virginia's "institutional indifference" to rape and sexual assault, UVA President Teresa Sullivan issued a statement on Saturday declaring all of the school's fraternities immediately suspended until January 9.

"Over the past week many of you have reached out to me directly to offer your opinions, reactions, and suggestions related to combatting sexual violence on [UVA] Grounds," wrote Sullivan. "I want you to know that I have heard you, and that your words have enkindled this message."

Earlier this week, Rolling Stone published a story focusing on the violent alleged gang rape of an 18-year-old student at a UVA frat house, a report Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe called "deeply disturb[ing]."

The University of Virginia is one 76 colleges currently under federal investigation by the Department of Education for mishandling sexual assault claims.

[Image via Flickr/Bob Mical]