Seattle police have arrested 23-year-old Keshav Bhide after he allegedly made comments online about killing women and praising the shootings carried out by Elliot Rodger at the University of California, Santa Barbara last month, where seven students were killed. In one message he allegedly wrote, "everything Elliot did is perfectly justified."

Bhide apparently made a series of comments in which he expresses admiration for Rodger's shooting spree. "I am the next Elliot Rodger and guess what I'll do the right thing this time," he wrote in one comment. "I'll make sure I only kill women," he wrote in another.

According to police, Bhide made these comments before and after the shooting at Seattle Pacific University earlier this month.

These comments were allegedly made on YouTube and police tracked the IP address to Bhide, who was arrested Saturday. Further from the police report obtained by KIRO:

In his online messages, Bhide ranted against women saying he would make sure he would kill only them. Another commenter told him to "please just call an escort service," and gave details for how he could avoid losing his life or going to jail.

Bhide responded that he would "execute the same thing" as Elliot Rodger and that he had "no option," according to court documents. Police said he used the screen name "Foss Dark."

Raw Story reports that Bhide is expected to be charged by police for cyberstalking and felony harassment.

[Image of University of Washington campus via Flickr]