Vegas Shooters' Facebook Warnings: "I Will Willingly Die For Liberty"

News reports this morning identified Sunday's Las Vegas spree shooters only as "Jared and Amanda." It now appears they were Jerad and Amanda Miller, and their social media profiles left chilling markers of their politics, their hobbies, and their goal in killing two police officers.
Guided by a reader's sleuthing, Wonkette appears to have been the first to zero in on the Millers. Jerad Miller, a self-identified Patriot who liked dozens of militant movements on Facebook and railed against Islam, Obamacare, immigrants, the New World Order, and gun control, appears to have alluded to the attacks in several posts on his Facebook page.
Miller's "likes" included Operation American Spring—the failed attempt last month to flood American streets with anti-government protesters, à la Occupy—as well as the III Percenters, a separatist group that participated in the Cliven Bundy standoff; "I Will Not Vote for Obama"; "I Did Not Vote For Obama"; "Obama Is the Worst President Ever"; Alex Jones; "Support the Second Amendment"; "I Love My Gun Rights"; Conservative America; Conservative Daily; Mr. Conservative; "Don't Tread on Me"; Ron Paul; the NRA; Americans for Prosperity; and FreedomWorks.
Amanda Miller—who identified herself as "Head of Needlework Dept. at Hobby Lobby" and displayed some needlepoint designs on her timeline—likes some of those same causes, as well as others such as "Gun Control Kills" and David Lory Van Der Beek, a local anti-government candidate who was recently endorsed by Bundy's preferred Independent American Party.
In April, Jerad Miller pledged his support to Bundy in the rancher's anti-government base camp:

In May, after the standoff fizzled, Miller appears to have fixated on the prospect of "suicide by cop" to forge his revolution:

Later on, between messages about socialist Obama and chemtrails, Miller writes: "I was down at the Bundy ranch. BLM snipers were all over the place."
By June, his resolve for an armed confrontation seemed to have hardened.

Finally, on Saturday, he published his last post: