[There was a video here]

James Bushart, 44, of Arkansas, is apparently familiar with meth, but has never seen a Plymouth Prowler before. He was arrested this week for DWI and drugs after cops say he menaced a couple in the car—which he thought was a spaceship—and told them to take it back to their alien planet.

The driver of the car, Jay Ward, says Bushart followed him and his girlfriend as they drove their Prowler around town. Bushart then stopped short in front of them, exited his own vehicle, called Ward an "alien" and yelled at him to "take his spaceship back to where they came from," according to Little Rock-based Fox 16:

What the victim, Jay Ward, seems to think caused the problem was the car he was driving; a Plymouth Prowler...

"That was my biggest problem with what was going on was how upset he was. I guess in reference to the vehicle was the only thing I could think," Jay explained. "I was a little upset about that mostly because I also had a passenger with me that was concerned for her safety as well."

According to the police report Bushart claimed he was curious about the car because "it looked like a futuristic machine."

Ward was concerned he might have to resort to the concealed gun he carries, but he left Bushart to police to deal with. They found meth and a pipe on the man before arresting him.

"At one point, he also told police that he was 'a very big deal' and that he had 100,000 Asian flowers," Fox 16's Josh Berry said in his report. "Exactly what that means, we're not sure."