Very Racist Maine Governor: Beware the "Ziki Fly"

Noted racist and child labor proponent Paul LePage just wants us to be safe. That’s why he told us to watch out for “D-Money, Smoothie, and Shifty” and why he saved us from those pesky labor murals. Now, he’s trying to save us from the biggest threat of all: The dreaded “Ziki Fly.”
From local radio station MPBN:
LePage said asylum seekers don’t get medical assessments and can bring foreign diseases to Maine.
“And what happens is you get hepatitis C, tuberculosis, AIDS, HIV, the ‘ziki fly,’ (sic) all these other foreign type of diseases that find a way to our land,” he says.
Beware the ziki fly, residents of Maine. But most of all—beware Paul LePage.