The 20-year-old college student from Brazil who auctioned off her virginity for a cool $780,000 as part of a promotion for a documentary entitled Virgins Wanted now says the whole thing was kinda shady.

Catarina Migliorini claims she remains a virgin after her meeting with the highest bidder — a 53-year-old Japanese millionaire — didn't quite go as planned.

For one thing, Natsu looked nothing like Migliorini thought he would, and the entire situation made her feel unsafe.

After speaking for 50 minutes at the Museum of Sydney cafe the two parted ways without exchanging bodily fluids.

The film's director, Justin Sisely, also turned out to be something of a sleazebag, according to Migliorini.

She told the Huffington Post in an email that Sisely misled her, exploited her, and generally made her feel like a victim.

The Santa Catarina native alleges that Sisely pulled the trigger on the auction before she had the opportunity to fully consent, and she felt pressured to go along with it "because Justin said it would be the best way to draw attention from the media about the project."

For his part, Sisely says Migliorini definitely went through with the deflowering, and he has the footage to prove it.

He told Huffington that Migliorini breached their contract twice, most recently when she bailed on filming to do a fashion show in Brazil.

Migliorini never saw a single cent of the auction money — if it ever existed — but she says all was not lost.

Along the way Migliorini participated in a lucrative photoshoot for Playboy Brazil and has even started writing a book about her experiences.

She says she decided to speak out in order to warn other virgins who are being lured with deception to participate in Sisely's new reality show about virgins.

The show is set to debut at an entertainment trade fair in Cannes this October.

[screengrab via Virgins Wanted, cover via Playboy Brazil]