Last Wednesday, the popular vlogger couple Sam and Nia Rader posted a video announcing to the world that they were pregnant with their third child. The twist: In the video, Sam “surprised” Nia with her own positive pregnancy test after stealing some of her urine from the toilet. Thanks to its insane premise, “HUSBAND SHOCKS WIFE WITH PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENT!” has now garnered upwards of 11 million hits on YouTube. Sam and Nia celebrated this spiraling success, and, one could argue, the pregnancy itself, with a second video on Thursday titled, “WE’RE GOING VIRAL!”

On Friday, Sam and Nia’s YouTube channel, which is normally updated daily, went dark. The couple announced in a video on Saturday that they took a brief respite from sharing their most personal moments online because Nia miscarried the night before. They titled this video, “Our Baby Had a Heartbeat.”

Though tiny sobs, Nia tells hundreds of thousands of viewers in the video, “It just hit us like a bomb. Those of you who have experienced miscarriage before, you know, I can relate now. I have felt my womb empty out. I never ever knew that women felt that way.” Sam adds, “We’re so hurt, but we’re so thankful that god used us like this.”

Nia then tells the world she is ready to be a voice for other women experiencing similar situations: “I just wanna say, too, that maybe there’s someone out there who is going through this with us. You know, the bible says to weep with those who weep and mourn with those who mourn, and I am mourning with those of you who are feeling this.”

According to the timeline presented in the couple’s videos, Sam and Nia found out via home pregnancy test that Nia was pregnant on Wednesday, and she miscarried on Friday. A joy and a tragedy, played out in two short acts. It’s not clear that Nia ever confirmed her pregnancy with a doctor—she was, as Sam revealed in the announcement video, only “two weeks late” when Sam collected her urine from the toilet. A baby’s heart starts to beat once its mother is six weeks pregnant. A physician can detect this heartbeat via ultrasound after eight weeks. Some women choose to wait until they are 12 weeks pregnant to share the news with their friends and family, when the risk of miscarriage is significantly lower.

Sam did not wait one day to announce his wife’s pregnancy to her and to 11 million viewers. From the moment he filmed himself scooping her stale urine out of the toilet, Sam was laser-focused on sharing this intimate, exciting news with as many people as possible, as soon as possible. That was, he explains, part of god’s plan. “I just hope that [the pregnancy announcement] video continues to be a way for god to shine his light to the world through us,” he tells viewers in the miscarriage announcement video. “This is a time when, especially the U.S. needs that light, and god knew that. And this video is just getting so big. [We] never imagined that would happen.”

On Sunday, the couple posted a video in which Sam announced to Nia that he quit his job as an ER nurse because of the success of their YouTube channel. “I was going to quit before all this happened,” he tells the camera. “This has just been an incredible ‘god thing’ that’s happened to our channel. A huge spike in like, this new career we started. Just an absolute blessing.”

Nia says she is feeling okay.

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