Pike Place Market butcher William Von Schneidau calls his latest creation the "pot pig."

And it's exactly what it sounds like: Von Schneidau, owner of BB Ranch Meats, has teamed up with local marijuana grower Top Shelf Organic to raise pigs fed on pot plants.

The so-called "pot-bellied porkers" are then turned into marijuana-infused bacon.

"It just got so popular we ran out of meat," von Schneidau recalled.

Though the weed does produce "redder and more savory" pigs, von Schneidau says the bacon itself won't get you high.

"I ate it and I don't feel a damn difference," von Schneidau told WLS-TV.

It's unclear if von Schneidau plans to make an additional batch of the "baked" bacon, but the man who once pumped a pig full of vodka says he's definitely not done experimenting.

"We're able to make anything you can imagine," he told KOMO News. "Somebody requests something and we make it, and make some extra of it, and see if people like it."

Recreational use of marijuana became legal in the state of Washington late last year.

[H/T: Uproxx, Planet Ivy]