Last night, the latest installment of the beloved sci-fi incest franchise Star Wars had its world premiere. Tonight, a small army of attention-hungry presidential hopefuls are going to be yelling at us on CNN. How can we be sure these desperate men and Carly Fiorina won’t slip a spoiler in, effectively ruining the entire set of films that gave us beloved characters like Spock and Mulder? Apparently, we can’t.

We reached out to the campaigns of every candidate participating in tonight’s main debate, asking each one to pledge not to spoil Star Wars: The Force Awakens for the rest of the country. It should be a relatively easy promise to make—and yet, at the time of publication, not a single candidate has responded to our plea for a little peace of mind.

Until the candidates finally take a stand, it’s impossible to say with any certainty that watching tonight’s debate won’t ruin that sole bit of light in a world otherwise plagued by darkness and terror. We’ll update when and if we ever hear back, but until then, it’s probably safest not to watch.

But fortunately for you, we can pledge that tonight’s joint Gawker-Jezebel debate liveblog will be 100% spoiler free.

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