This is one way to deal with an attempted robbery: Last month, a gunman walked into a deli in Long Island, fired a warning shot, and demanded cash. Instead of complying, the insane clerk chased the would-be robber from the store with a machete.

From the New York Post:

The crook, carrying an Air Jordan backpack, demanded cash, but the plucky worker hesitated even though the gun was pointed at him only inches away.

The robber then cocked the handgun and pulled the trigger, firing a shot into the wall that barely missed the clerk, who only flinched slightly when the gun went off, the video shows.

The cool-headed employee then pulled a machete from under the counter and chased the feckless robber out of the store and through the parking lot.

The suspect escaped, presumably unscathed, and police released video of the September 25 incident in an attempt to capture him. The clerk was unharmed.