[There was a video here]

Alec Baldwin said, "Now I loathe and despise the media in a way I did not think possible," in his New York magazine cover story/temper tantrum last month. How fitting, then, that he guested as a shitty journalist/shittier person on last night's episode of Law & Order: SVU. Baldwin played Jimmy MacArthur, a self-obsessed journalist whose poor reporting fucked up the rape case central in the episode. It wasn't until he quit his job that his miserable character had any chance at happiness (see clip above).

Said producer Peter Blauner, who wrote the episode:

I certainly never talked to him about the article. On that first day, he delivered a monologue you'll see in the show, and the key line is, "I said my piece." I can't speak for Alec, but he seemed to say that with no lack of conviction.

Way to really stick it to 'em, Baldwin.