Chris Christie has long portrayed himself as someone who makes the "tough decisions" normal politicians can't—who stands up to society's leeches and tells them to stop sucking away taxpayer blood—a warrior who'll go toe-to-toe with anyone on either side of the aisle...unless that person is 71-year-old daytime television host Joy Behar.

Ryan Lizza's profile of Christie in this week's issue of The New Yorker opens with a long anecdote set at a recent roast of ex-New Jersey governor Brendan Byrne. As Lizza tells it, most of the comedians paid to tell jokes at the roast focused heavily on Christie, which is unsurprising considering he's a current and famous politician who also happens to be in the midst of a political scandal that could sink his presidential ambitions.

One of the roasters was Joy Behar, whom your mother knows from The View. Behar is a veteran stand up comic, but, as a creature of daytime television, comes across as pretty harmless.

In the video of the roast, which was shown on television by Chris Matthews last week, Christie attempts to wrench away Behar's notes before she even gets a chance to tell her jokes. The crowd seems to laugh along nervously as the comedian and sitting governor of the state get into what essentially amounts to a physical confrontation on stage. Eventually, Behar shouts him down, calls him a "coward" and says his political career is "toast."

Of all the things that should disqualify Chris Christie from being president, "getting legitimately offended by Joy Behar" is at least in the top three.

[via Huffington Post]