[There was a video here]

Nelson Mandela's honorary granddaughter Naomi Campbell is sometimes charming and disarmingly even-keeled in interviews. She has seemingly renounced her cell-phone throwing ways via anger management, and discussing said anger management sometimes makes her cry. She is a changed woman...until she isn't and/or has a reality show to make interesting. Witness The Face.

The competition reality show (kind of like America's Next Top Model without the endless string of circus/sideshow gags, which is either refreshing or boring, depending on what you want out of a reality show) is in its second season. It's like The Voice, in that there are "celebrity mentors" (Campbell, Lydia Hearst, Anne Vyalitsyna) who alternately coddle and bark things at the competitors. On last night's episode, the girls had to do a commercial for brand Alex and Ani, thus reminding us of the hilarity that comes from forcing aspiring models to talk in formal settings.

Spoiler alert No. 1: They are terrible at it.

Spoiler alert No. 2: Naomi Campbell doesn't like this.

As much as I like the New Naomi, I love the moments when the Old Naomi comes out to play. I can't stop watching this clip of her telling frightened, incompetent young women, "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!!"

For more Old Naomi, see her recent reaction to the Kimye Vogue cover. That sinister laugh says so much more than her "no comment" comments.