Craig Ferguson is departing as the host of the Late Late Show at the end of this year after being passed over as David Letterman's replacement, and CBS hasn't really considered who will fill his slot. Norm MacDonald has, though.

Norm's been campaigning vociferously for the job, and he stopped by Conan last night to show off his chops in a frantic audition. In one minute, he nailed the monologue, bantered with Andy, introduced a guest, and rolled a clip. You can't really ask a lot more of Norm MacDonald.

Rumor had it that the Late Late Show gig would go to The Soup's Joel McHale, whose schedule just opened up a bit after the cancelation of Community, but CBS didn't make an announcement at this week's upfronts. Does MacDonald actually have a chance of landing this thing?

[H/T Mediaite]