So much for retiring from public life: Last night, Shia LaBeouf headbutted a guy who he thought insulted his girlfriend's mother.

The incident took place at Hobgoblin's bar in South London, where LaBeouf is filming a WWII movie with Brad Pitt.

"What are you saying about my girl's mom?" Shia shouted at the guy, according to TMZ. "Are you fucking kidding me bro?"

A woman—presumably Shia's girlfriend—can be heard pleading with him to stop, but Shia doesn't listen; instead he rammed his head into the mom-insulter and looked like he was about to do so a second time before he was pulled away.

But everything worked out in the end when a clearly wasted Shia apologized. "I'm just really trying to make peace," he said. "I'm a normal human being."

Of course, this wasn't Shia's first bar fight. In 2012, he allegedly got into a fight at the same London pub. And in October, he was reportedly kicked in the balls and made a girl cry during altercations at two other London bars.

[Image via Getty]