Every so often a rumor begins to circulate and, for whatever reason, you think: “I hope it’s true.” I had such a moment this week.

After President Obama decided to rename Mount McKinley to Denali, a meme spread across Facebook timelines alleging that “Denali” was a “Kenyan word” for black power. Unfortunately, this rumor was not true. The majority of Kenyans speak Swahili and English—not Kenyan, which is not a real language; Denali is an Athabascan word that means “the high one.”

But I am here to tell you that we need a Black Power Mountain. Not only do we—the American people—need it, we deserve it.

I am stating the obvious here, but it’s been a rough few years for blacks (and by years, I mean lots of years—centuries full of years). A mountain affirming our monumental impact on society—in politics, business, education, television, etc—would be a true testament to the enduring contributions of trailblazers like Malcolm X, Fannie Lou Hamer, Arsenio Hall, LeVar Burton, my mom, Anita Baker, Julian Bond, ‘70s R&B group LTD, Angela Davis, and you—fellow black person!

And what better place to have Black Power Mountain than in a state that is 70 percent white?

It’s not too late to change your mind, President Obama.

[Image via AP]