Five months ago, Vogue released a pictorial featuring none other than Adam Driver, one of the stars of Girls. The images were, all in all, quite nice. He wore a live sheep around his shoulders and looked fantastic. As if Vogue would have it any other way.

Adam Driver is a man who trumpets body positivity, I guess. I mean, often when you see him, he's shirtless. He's unabashedly feminist, I guess (again), since he's on Girls. He has said, describing his regular morning breakfast of two whole eggs and four yolk-less eggs, "It's good for you, protein and all that. I used to eat a whole chicken every day, for lunch. I did that for four years. But it got tiring — go to the store, buy it, eat it. It's a mess."

His body is real. He is real. And as lovely as the Vogue pictures are, they're probably not terribly real. Or maybe they are. We're not sure. So Gawker is offering $50 and a bottle of Captain Morgan rum that's been sitting around on John Cook's desk to whoever can get us pre-Photoshop images from Driver's Vogue shoot.

Annie Leibovitz, who shot Driver for the mag, isn't one to shy away from digitally fucking with images, and Vogue has a rich and storied history of distorting women's bodies. Probably men's too, for all we know. Let's find out.

[Image via Vogue]