Wesley Warren, the Man With the 132-pound Scrotum, Dead at 49

Wesley Warren, Jr., famous for a scrotum that weighed as much as 132 pounds before he reduced it with surgery, has died at age 49. He recently suffered two heart attacks and had been hospitalized for weeks due to complications from diabetes.
A friend of Warren's told the Las Vegas Review-Journal, "He had infections that I think were brought on by his diabetes and then he had those heart attacks." The friend said Warren's surgery last April played no role in his death.
Due his condition, Warren, who weighed 300 pounds before his scrotum started expanding at a rate of 3 pounds per month, was unable to urinate normally, or to have sex. He had to wear hooded sweatshirts upside down as pants.
Warren's strange case garnered worldwide attention thanks to appearances on the Howard Stern Show, Tosh.0, and a 2013 documentary on the U.K.'s Channel 4, The Man With the 10-Stone Testicles. The publicity led to several offers to perform corrective surgery, including one from Dr. Mehmet Oz, which Warren turned down because he was afraid Oz would botch the operation.
He eventually found a doctor at UC Irvine who performed the surgery for free, on the condition that Nevada Medicaid would pay for use of the hospital. The surgery happened before the state approved it, though, and Nevada denied coverage for Warren's surgery and his post-operative care.
Warren consistently denied that he flaunted his condition for attention.
"Who would want to live like this?" he asked the Review-Journal before his surgery last year.