On Tuesday evening, Donald Trump threatened Senator Ted Cruz, via Twitter, over a social media advertising campaign funded by the anti-Trump political action committee Make America Awesome. The campaign included a nude photograph of Melania Trump, originally shot for British GQ in 2000.

The point of the campaign, BuzzFeed News reports, is to consolidate socially conservative Mormon voters around Ted Cruz. The Republican strategist behind the super PAC, Liz Mair, said that the Melania Trump ad was being promoted on Instagram, specifically to LDS women.

In response, Trump tweeted, “Lyin’ Ted Cruz just used a picture of Melania from a G.Q. shoot in his ad. Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” He also deleted an earlier version of the tweet:

The revised tweet still raises more questions than it answers, though. Given all of the “beans” that have already been “spilled” on Heidi Cruz (e.g. she hated Iowa; she secretly funded Ted’s senate campaign; she’s Ana Gasteyer) and the new tweet’s linguistic ambiguity, it’s possible that Trump’s threat is not figurative, but literal. (In which case, we can only say: Whatever you’re into, man, as long as she’s into it, too.)

But! Setting that possibility aside, we’ll take the bait: What figurative beans might Donald Trump have on Senator Ted Cruz’s wife Heidi Cruz, currently on leave from her job as a managing director in Goldman Sachs’ Houston office?

Email us if you have any ideas: tips@gawker.com.