What’s the Best Rumor You Heard this Week?

From time to time, we hear rumors too good not to share. We bet you do, too.
We make every effort to track down and report out the rumors and gossip we hear, but for a variety of reasons we can’t always nail them the way we’d like. So let’s acknowledge that we can’t vouch for the veracity or truth of the rumors we’ll be sharing here.
But we believe that publicly airing rumors out is usually the quickest way to get to the truth. We also believe that Friday afternoons are a great time to share gossip with your friends. So we’ll share a rumor we’ve been hearing but haven’t been able to confirm. You do the same, and we’ll see if we can’t figure out what the real story is.
Let’s start with one we heard awhile ago but heard again last week: Shortly before BuzzFeed Viral Politics editor Benny Johnson was fired for plagiarism in July, he had accepted a job offer from CNN, and was either in or en route to New York City to tell editor-in-chief Ben Smith that he was jumping ship. Apparently the CNN offer was rescinded, or put on hold, after the first round of allegations came out. Which, if true, certainly contrasts with the network’s recent defense of Fareed Zakaria.
How about you? We’re interested in everything. Either comment below or email me at trotter@gawker.com.
Illustration by Jim Cooke