What makes your state unique? Would you judge by how crappy it is? How much sex its residents are getting? Or perhaps a state's uniqueness can be nailed down to the music tastes of its Spotify listeners.

This map of each state's distinctive taste in music comes courtesy of music blogger Paul Lamere. It doesn't show which musician or music group is most popular in each state (according to Lamere, such a map would pretty much be all Jay-Z, all the time). Instead, it shows which music residents of each state disproportionately like. Lamere compared musicians' Spotify popularity among all U.S. listeners with their popularity with listeners in each state, running the numbers from most to least populous states. In the end, each state got a unique musician that is just so them.

That's right, Arizonans. We're sorry to tell you, but you have terrible taste in music. Get out.

[Image via Music Machinery]