Whites Are Sick of Bill de Blasio's War on Whites

Tall socialist New York mayor Bill “de” Blasio was elected as a stiff shot of progressivism to counteract the city’s Mike Bloomberg money-centric hangover. Now, one of NYC’s minorities—white people—are quite cross.
In perhaps the greatest Wall Street Journal metro story of our generation, whites from across our fair city take to the pages of the news-paper to offer a torrent of disgruntled quotes about DeBlasio’s shameful disrespect for one of New York’s most vibrant minority communities (whites). I extend my utmost compliments to reporters Mara Gay and Josh Dawsey, who were able to convince the following white citizens that their sentiments must be heard:
“He’s so down on me,” said Gene Reilly, a 71-year-old Democrat from Manhattan’s Cooper Square neighborhood who is white. “He’s looking out for the poor.”
The cad!
“He thinks it’s all the fault of the rich,” said Aida Gurwicz, a 69-year-old retiree on the Upper East Side.
Oh ho!
“You don’t have to read the tea leaves to read which way things are going,” said Stanley Bleeker, 62, of the Mill Basin neighborhood of Brooklyn.
“I believe that he is genuflecting to the black community, to Mr. [Al] Sharpton and all the race baiters, to bring them into some kind of inner circle.”
Blarg shmep!
“He’s almost a social-communist,” Rochelle Weinberg, a Democrat from the Queens neighborhood of Forest Hills, said of the mayor. “He’s out of town all the time. He’s disrespectful and shows up late. I can’t stand him. Everything he does makes me angry.”
Shmoopadop Balastramaganzagaria!
The voice of the white community must be heard.
[Photo: AP]