Who Would You Rather Smooch on New Year's Eve: Hillary C. or Bill D.?

Smoochy smoochy smooch. New Year's Eve is but two days away. Who you gonna kiss come midnight? For no discernible reason, Quinnipiac University conducted a poll: "Would you rather ring in 2015 on a date with former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, Gov. Andrew Cuomo or NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio?"
The poll did not specify if the date included sexual activity (over or under clothes), a jazz show, or a hot meal. Despite this lack of detail, 45 percent of respondents said they would rather be alone than with Hillary Clinton, Andrew Cuomo or Bill de Blasio.
Coming in second place after "none of the above" was Hillary Clinton, with 37 percent of the vote. De Blasio and Cuomo tied for third with 8 percent each.
Here's hoping this is an accurate predictor of our next presidential election!
[Photo via AP]