Whoops: Wil Wheaton's Webseries Filmed on Porn Couch [NSFW]

It started the way these things always do, with someone "accidentally stumbling" onto the fact that the Wil Wheaton-hosted Geek & Sundry webseries Tabletop is filmed in the exact same spot as various pornographic movies.
Wet spot, that is.
A Redditor who goes by the classy handle A_Monocle_For_Sauron was the first to point out the "unmistakable similarities" between the Downtown LA set of Wheaton's show and the one used to film a porn scene with award-winning adult actress Samantha Saint.
The couch where Saint and her dude do the nasty appears to be the same mustard "Loser's Couch" Wheaton uses to interview the losers of his celebrity board game tournaments (Jeri Ryan had the dubious honor of being featured in the "comparison shot").
When this matter was pointed out to Wheaton — an avid Redditor himself — he claimed the cushions were flipped over before the guests took their seats.
But yet another eagle-eyed Redditor noted that the cushions appear unmoved in both screenshots.
To which Wheaton could only respond: "Goddammit."