Suzanne Duarte, grinning like a maniac in her mugshot, and was still smiling the next day when a local news station interviewed her in jail. And why not? She'd just set fire to a yoga studio. This is the face of a lady living her best life.

"Most people can't understand the smiling mug shot," Duarte told Dallas's CBS 11 Monday. Maybe this will help: She set fire to a yoga studio. That's the explanation.

Duarte said two men who worked at American Power Yoga had been harassing her for years and wouldn't stop. One of them "kept hitting on me and kept trying to make me the girlfriend on the side," she told CBS 11.

So she waited until Saturday night and, after she was certain the studio had emptied, tried to burn that mother down with matches and a can of gasoline.

She wanted to "set it on fire, just destroy it, get rid of the devil's temple," she said.

It sort of worked, forcing the devil's temple to close briefly before returning to scheduled classes later in the week. No one was hurt, and businesses in the adjoining shopping center weren't damaged.

The fire should be a powerful message to Duarte's alleged harassers, who nearly saw their livelihood go up in flames. How are they reacting to all of this?

"A spokesperson for American Power Yoga says the studio has been under new ownership since November, and until Saturday they were unaware of any dispute," CBS 11 reported.


Well, at least she set a yoga studio on fire. No one can take that away from her.

[h/t Raw Story, Photos: Dallas County Sheriff's Office, CBS 11]