Wife Will Take Cheating Husband Back If He Gets 10k Likes on Facebook

After Sonya Gore caught her husband Ivan Lewis cheating, she did what any jilted woman would do: She forced her spouse to put up a Facebook photo of himself holding a sign that reads "I cheated on my wife!!! (and she was ugly!!!)"
Actually, Lewis has a long history of acknowledged infidelity that began not long after the couple got married in 2010. His repeat offenses led the couple to separate, and they have been estranged for the past two years.
But Lewis recently asked Gore if she will marry him again, prompting Gore to propose the Facebook apology.
"Sonya Gore said I got to get 10,000 [likes] before she take me back," writes Lewis in the accompanying caption.
He's still about 5,000 likes away from redemption, but things are looking good. Gore herself showed up in the comments after jokes at Lewis's expense became rampant and offered this update (sic throughout):
It takes a man to do what he has done he gotta here all the jokes from his so called friends an family an he set that a side to prove his love for me what girl would not want that ?
If these two crazy lovebirds can't make it work, what hope is there for the rest of us?