A woman who was trapped in last year's garment factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1,134 people and injured more than 2,400, now tells the story of having to amputate her own arm to escape the rubble.

26-year-old Rojina Begum tells her story for the first time for the BBC documentary Clothes to Die For. According to The Mirror, Begum spent three days trapped in the rubble before hearing the voice of a doctor who had come to help her escape:

A doctor had found her but the only way she could be freed was to amputate her left arm which was partly crushed under a beam.

The 26-year-old mum said: "The doctor tried to amputate it but couldn't reach.

"I said, 'No matter how hard it is, amputate my arm'. He said 'I'm giving you a saw and you can do it yourself.'"

At first she said she didn't have the strength, to which the doctor reportedly replied "Give it a try." She did, and was finally able to free herself. She told the Mirror:

"I never thought that I'd have to ­amputate my own arm. But I was forced to by the situation."

[image via TheMirror]