Richard Gere played such a convincing homeless man in New York last week that a kind-hearted French tourist took pity on him and tried to give him her leftover pizza.

Gere has been tramping about town shooting scenes for a new film, pawing through movie-set garbage and drinking beers on city benches. Apparently unaware of the cameras, a French tourist felt bad when she saw Gere pretending to scavenge for food and offered him her leftovers.

According to the New York Post:

"What's in the bag?" Gere, 64, asked.

"I tried to tell him in English, but it came out half in French," she said.

"I said, 'Je suis désolée [I am sorry], but the pizza is cold.' "

Apparently, millionaire beggars can't be choosers.

"He said, 'Thank you so much. God bless you,' " Gombeau recalled.

The tourist only found out who he really was later when the a friend saw a photo of her in a newspaper.

"I think he's very handsome, even at his age," she told the Post. "Pretty Woman was not my favorite movie, but I ­really loved Chicago."

[image via AP]