Actress Mariel Hemingway apparently spent her youth turning down advances from famous old guys—according to a Page Six report, Woody Allen was so intent on taking her to Europe he flew out to her parents house in Idaho to convince the whole family.

According to her upcoming memoir, Hemingway—who was 18 when she filmed Manhattan—was hosting Allen at her parents' home when she realized he was trying to sleep with her. (Even more disturbing—her parents apparently encouraged it.)

But Hemingway—the original Girl Who Didn't Go To Paris—was not having it. Via the Post:

As Hemingway recalls in her forthcoming memoir "Out Came the Sun," Allen repeatedly said he wanted to take her to Paris. And that made her very nervous.

"Our relationship was platonic, but I started to see that he had a kind of crush on me, though I dismissed it as the kind of thing that seemed to happen any time middle-aged men got around young women," writes Hemingway, who was so inexperienced that she was embarrassed by the sex talk in the film.

She warned her parents "that I didn't know what the arrangement was going to be, that I wasn't sure if I was even going to have my own room. Woody hadn't said that. He hadn't even hinted it. But I wanted them to put their foot down. They didn't. They kept lightly encouraging me." Allen was then in his mid-forties.

Hemingway woke up in the middle of the night "with the certain knowledge that I was an idiot. No one was going to get their own room. His plan, such as it was, involved being with me." She shook him awake in the guest room and demanded:

"I'm not going to get my own room, am I?" As Allen fumbled for his glasses, Hemingway informed him: "I can't go to Paris with you."

He called for his private jet the next morning and left Idaho.

Ice cold.

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